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Understanding Amazon's A9 Algorithm - Presentation Transcript at Brighton SEO

19 September 2019 11:16

Last Friday, Katherine Khoo shared with BrightonSEO around "Understanding Amazon's A9 Algorithm" within the Amazon stream. She shared a stage with Danny McMillan from Seller Sessions and Prabhat Shah from DaytodayeBay. 

Understanding Amazon's A9 Algorithm 

Amazon's own data says that 70% of customers don't get past the first page of results for a search. 35% of customers click on the first product and the first three results in search results account for 64& of clicks. That makes these positions highly contested and great online real-estate. 

Amazon has been described as that "ruthless meritocracy" by Pat Petriello from CPC Strategy, where "New products have the chance to appear on page one of a coveted SERP as long as they are selling at a velocity and a price which warrants that position. However, established brands still have advantage of customer loyalty and familiarity among shoppers, giving them an edge in consideration and conversion assuming all else is equal. Lead brands also typically have the scale and budget to dominate paid placements relative to challenger brands with smaller budgets.”


You can read about the talk on iPages and read a summary from Seeker Digital here

Can we help?

If you have any questions about ranking on Amazon, or would like to speak to one of the team about improving your Amazon performance, get in touch here